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Massage with coarse salt Guadalajara

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'Massage with coarse salt' in Guadalajara city

What are the therapeutic benefits of a massage with coarse salt?

In addition to exfoliating the skin, a massage with coarse salt encourages detoxification and relaxation. The skin feels refreshed and energized after the removal of pollutants and stimulation of circulation provided by the coarse salt crystals. Because of the comprehensive benefits of wellness practices, this treatment is very helpful.

How long does a massage with coarse salt session typically last in Guadalajara?

A coarse salt massage in Guadalajara often lasts sixty to ninety minutes. The therapist will use this time to gently massage the coarse salt onto your skin, paying particular attention to areas that require relaxation and exfoliation. This gives you plenty of time to enjoy the relaxing spa ambiance in Guadalajara and get the therapeutic advantages of the treatment.
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