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Massage with coarse salt Santiago de Queretaro

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'Massage with coarse salt' in Santiago de Queretaro city

What unique benefits does coarse salt provide in a massage?

By acting as a natural exfoliator, eliminating dead skin cells, and revealing smoother, healthier skin, a massage with coarse salt has special advantages. Additionally, the coarse salt increases blood circulation, which helps with cleansing and eases tense muscles. Furthermore, the minerals in coarse salt, such potassium and magnesium, are absorbed via the skin and provide moisture and nourishment, which makes you feel renewed and invigorated.

What should I expect during a coarse salt massage session?

You can anticipate receiving a deep exfoliation and soothing massage with coarse salts. Using coarse salt crystals, the therapist will gently massage your skin, paying particular attention to areas that require more care. In addition to exfoliating, this procedure increases blood flow and releases tense muscles. Usually lasting 60 to 90 minutes, the treatment leaves your skin gleaming and you feeling refreshed.
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